RESOURCES from the “Kick Ass Oracle Card Readings” Presentation

This was presented at 2023 NW Tarot Symposium:

A List of Oracle & Tarot Decks cited in the presentation

Inspirational Decks

Divinatory - Specifically for fortune-telling

Resources for creating your own Oracle

Blank Cards & Boxes (All U.S. Based)

Printing One-off of your own deck

Cards Archives - Print & Play

Boxes Archives - Print & Play

Tarot Size Custom Cards (Blank Cards)

For Printing 100+ Decks

Over the Moon Academy - Excellent courses, resources and how-to’s for creating your own oracles

DIY Oracle Ideas:

  • Favorite Things Deck: Gather pictures of things you love, or that you find to be symbolic. (Plants, Animals, Crystals, Places) Field Guide deck is a great example of this.

  • Inspirational People Deck: Artists, historical figures. Use quotes, words or lyrics to deliver the message.

  • Ancestral Deck - Print of images of family members or loved ones who have influenced you. Include a word or message they they "deliver to you"

  • Deities & Guides Decks: There are loads of goddess/god decks, decks with angels and teachers. Make your own and only use the deities and guides that you connect with.

  • Single Words: A great introduction to creating your own deck. Pick themes that are relevant now and have been relevant to you in the past. Use aspirational words and challenging words.

  • Music Oracle: Make a playlist of songs that are important or meaningful to you. Shuffle and see what song plays on your playlist.

  • Animal Communication Deck: OTM Academy has a great deck called "Dog Tails" that is specifically for trying to understand what your dog wants/needs. If you are a cat person or an animal lover with a million photos of your pet, you can make a deck with their photos and assign meanings to them. "Walkies" "Treat's Plz" " Scared of new things"

Crafternoon Oracle Ideas

  • Paint Swatches

  • Blank cards. Watercolor. Words. Boom, you have a deck.

  • Coasters from pubs

  • Collage

  • Free Greeting Cards that charities like to send

  • Cut up old holiday cards. Or take cards that have been given to you and are sitting in a drawer and cut them up for an oracle deck.

  • Sharpie + Bags of "river stones" from the dollar store

  • Pressed Flowers