

Calling upon the Divine Mother

Song to Call Upon the Divine Feminine

This song is an incantation, or a prayer to call upon the divine feminine/holy mother/goddess to provide guidance.

I like the idea of singing your prayers. This, like many of my prayer songs can be tailored to invoke whomever you are trying to spiritually connect with. Although I originally wrote this prayer song with Mother Mary in mind, her name can easily be replaced with "Holy Mother" or "Guardian Angel".

This particular song emerged when I was feeling lost, and confused. Not only about an uncertain future, but about the safety and well-being of humanity. It came from a sincere place of humility and surrender.

The lyrics are:

"Holy Mother sing to me
Voice of love - song of peace
Light the path for us to see
Set us free - and show us the way home
That we are not alone"

May it bring you peace
— H.M.B.


An original song written and recorded in 2016 as part of my musical project called Overton Pettigrove.

“Miracle” is a song that I wrote and recorded in 2016. I had a lot of fun creating it. Mostly because it is a love song for my husband. I had always wanted to write something special for him. Singing these words just makes my heart happy.

Prayer to the Four Directions
(Invocation for opening sacred space)

Excerpt read from the book Soul Journeying
written by Alberto Villoldo.

To the winds of the South
Great Serpent
Wrap your coils of light around me
Teach me to shed the past the way you shed your skin
To walk softly on the Earth
Teach me the Beauty Way

To the winds of the West
Mother Jaguar
Protect my medicine space
Teach me the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show me the way beyond death

To the winds of the North
Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers
Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to me in the winds
I honor you who have come before me
And you who will come after me, my children’s children

To the winds of the East
Great Eagle
Come to me from the place of the rising Sun
Keep me under your wing
Show me the mountains I only dare to dream of
Teach me to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit

Mother Earth
I pray for the healing of all of your children
The Stone People, the Plant People
The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones
All my relations

Father Sun
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnamable One
Thank you for allowing me to sing the Song of Life